Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6 Years Lab Tests Results and Low Dose Naltrexone

I am posting some lab test results - going back to 2002, when I was first diagnosed with HCV.  I began taking 3 mg. Low Dose Naltrexone in February 2009.


12/12/2002 -   >500,000  LOG - 5.7
01/03/2007 -   853,254
01/15/2009 - 1,280,000 
05/01/2009 - 49,400 after being on 3 months
09/15/2009 - 18,729
04/29/2010 - 11,300
02/28/2011 - 16,500
11/12/2012 - 16,288
06/19/2013 - 13,973
02/07/2014 - 34,284
02/01/2015 - 37,934  -  Retest 02/19/2015 - 81,398? (had taken 2 ml LDN mixture 4 hours before)

ALT/AST:  (ALT (6-29) - AST(10-35)

10/18/2002 - 117/63
12/12/2002 - 76/49
05/20/2003 - 74/51
09/23/2003 - 65/49
03/18/2004 - 58/42
10/24/2005 - 58/39 - post Katrina
10/27/2007 - 140/72 
09/11/2008 - 82/51
01/15/2009 - 174/99
05/01/2009 - 23/30  after LDN
09/15/2009 - 36/37
12/22-2009 - 34/31
04/29/2010 - 25/30
09/16/2010 - 24/31
02/28/2011 - 33/30
09/07/2011 - 27/28
06/19/2013 - 31/30 
02/08/2014 - 47/39 - after Girls Night Out party the day before (wine)
02/01/2015 - 32/23


12/12/2002 - 0.8
05/20/2003 - 1.3
10/04/2005 - 0.7
10/27/2007 - 1.1
09/11/2008 - 0.7
01/15/2009 - 1.3
05/01/2009 - .09
09/15/2009 - 1.1
12/22-2009 - 0.7
04/29/2010 - 1.1
09/16/2010 - 0.8
02/28/2011 - 0.7
09/07/2011 - 0.8
06/19/2013 - 0.6
02/08/2014 - 0.7
02/01/2015 - .06


12/12/2002 - 64
05/20/2003 - 46
10/27/2007 - 60
09/11/2008 - 74
01/15/2009 - 55
05/01/2009 - 58 after LDN
09/15/2009 - 57
12/22/2009 - 66
04/29/2010 - 54
09/16/2010 - 59
02/28/2011 - 67
09/07/2011 - 64
11/28/2012 - 65
06/19/2013 - 54
02/08/2014 - 62
02/01/2015 - 56

ALBUMIN - (3.6-5.1)

12/12/2002 - 4.3
05/20/2003 - 4.6
10/24/2005 - 4.3
10/27/2007 - 4.9
09/11/2008 - 4.8
01/15/2009 - 5.2
05/11/2009 - 5.0
09/15/2009 - 4.9
12/22/2009 - 4.8
04/29/2010 - 4.9
09/16/2010 - 4.9
02/28/2011 - 5.0
09/07/2011 - 5.1
06/19/2013 - 4.9
02/08/2014 - 5.1
02/01/2015 - 4.8

GLOBULIN - (2.3-3.5) now (1.9-3.7)

12/12/2002 - 3.7
10/27/2007 - 3.3
09/11/2008 - 2.6
01/20/2009 - 3.7
50/11/2009 - 3.0
02/08/2014 - 2.5
02/01/2015 - 2.5


12/12/2002 - 8.0
10/27/2007 - 8.2
09/11/2008 - 7.4
01/20/2009 - 8.9
05/11/2009 - 8.0
02/07/2014 - 7.6
02/01/2015 - 7.2

Blood Urea Nitrogen (7-25)

05/20/2003 - 4
10/27/2007 - 9
09/15/2009 - 9
12/22/2009 - 8
04/29/2010 -10
09/16/2010 -10
02/28/2011 - 11
09/07/2011  - 8

02/01/2015 - 12

Prothrombin Time -(10.0-13.0)

12/12/2002 - 10.1
INR: 0.9

05/20/2003 - 10.3
 INR - 0.9

02/01/2015 -   10.1
INR - 1.0

FERRITIN (10-232)

12/12/2002 - 95.4 (10.0-150)
10/22/2007 - 176
02/04/2008 - 93
05/06/2008 - 92
09/11/2008 - 60
01/20/2009 - 115
05/11/2009 - 83
09/15/2009 - 80
11/12/2012 - 89
02/01/2015 - 73

IRON TOTAL: (40-160) (45-160)

12/12/2002 - 83

02/01/2015 - 141


12/12/2002 - 346

02/01/2015 - 377


12/12/2002 - 3.40
10/27/2007 - 4.0
09/11/2008 - 4.9
01/20/2009 - 5.2
05/11/2009 - 6.1
09/07/2011 - 5.2
11/12/2012 - 5.1

Platelet Count (140-400)

12/12/2002 - 252
05/23/2003 - 215
10/24/2005 - 204
10/27/2007 - 250
09/11/2008 - 209
01/20/2009 - 186
05/11/2009 - 187
02/07/2014 - 198
02/01/2015 - 168


12/12/2002 - 7.2
10/24/2005 - 6.0
10/24/2007 - 5.8
09/11/2008 - 5.8
01/20/2009 - 6.0
05/11/2009- 5.0
02/07/2014 - 6.7
02/01/2015 - 5.1


12/12/2002 - 3.99
05/23/2003 - 4.10
10/24/2005 - 4.25
10/27/2007 - 4.07
09/11/2008 - 4.03
01/20/2009 - 4.21
05/11/2009 - 3.96
02/07/2014 - 4.14
02/01/2015 - 3.77

Absolute Neutrophils (1500-7800)

10/27/2007 - 3509
09/11/2008 - 3300
01/20/2009 - 3750
05/11/2009 - 2410

Absolute Lymphocytes (850-3900)

10/27/2007 - 1630
09/11/2008 - 1966
01/20/2009 - 1686
05/11/2009 - 1950

Hemoglobin AIC - <6 strong="">

10/27/2007 - 5.4 
10/25/2011 - 5.2 

Misc. tests - only done once or twice by Integrative doctor:

Fibrinogen (175-425)

10/27/2007 - 239

Insulin  <17 strong="">

10/27/2007 - 6

 I will be adding more along the way - I have folders filled with lab results going back to 2002 -  some Katrina water logged -  I am still digging through all of them.